Math Reflection

1. Tell why you think it is important to be able to divide numbers. For what kind of problems do you need to use division?

It is important to know how to divide because when we have to share something we can use division to find out. The time we use division is when we share something or split something equally.

2. Tell what part of this unit was the most difficult for you and why. Describe what you did to overcome any difficulties you had.

Well the most difficult thing for me was dividing smaller numbers than the divisor. Example 6/3.20. I found out that the way to do this division was to do 320/6 than put the decimal point where you think it would go. The way to find where to put the decimal point is by making a estimate.


The parable about the Sower and the Seed is about a sower scattering seeds everywhere. The seeds that land on the roads that gets eaten by the crows. Like the person that heard the lord, but does not do anything about it and the evil one will come and snatch it away. The seeds that landed on the rocks is the person that hears the lord and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root he does not last long. The seeds that landed on the thorns are the ones who heard the lord, but worries of this life. The seeds that landed on good soil is the ones who hears the lord and understands it.

The sower, Jesus and the people listening to Jesus. The lesson that they learned is that if you hear from your lord do what he says and do not ignore. This connects with my life because when someone told me a secret I was like the one who was planted on the rocks because it didn't last long until I told someone.